Licking and Sniffing?

So it’s New Year’s Day and I’m making a Blog-specific resolution…

Shiney apple.  Wants to be bitten.

I do hereby declare and resolve to post something/anything at least once a week this year.  I’m going to stop licking and sniffing, and just go ahead and take a BITE out of life!  Well, I guess it’s not so much that I’m determined (strong word for a noodle) as that I am leaning in the direction of a strongish desire to take at least 52 small bites this year.  Furthermore, like a cool teacher that lets you call him “Greg” (or whatever), I will allow myself to make up any missed week’s entry by doubling up (or bla bla math words) to end up with at least 52 entries by year’s end.  There.

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