Giving it away…
Today I gave my morning to the Habitat for Humanity. We tore a house down and shoveled, raked, and toted the rubble to three massive dumpsters. It was the best thing I’ve done in a very long time. At this time in my life, I think I needed to see that just because something is standing there, a structure, brick on brick, wood and pipe and wire…
and you can stand on it, and walk around in the reality of it, and you can feel safe and warm in it, and you can dream and cry and laugh and live and love in it…
it can be completely gone the next day. Flat gone. Gone. And sometimes it’s not sad, it’s not a loss, it is growth. A new house will be built there. And it won’t happen overnight. It will be a house built by people who have no other reason to build it than that they want to give. They want to give the gift of their time. They want to give the gift of their labor and their knowledge and their willingness to work together to build something for another person. They show up time after time, to give something good, to contribute. I get to be a part of that.
It was wonderful! Sweaty and dirty and wonderful. And today, I was literally “this dusty girl”!

……. I was feeling abit dusty this morning myself !!!! Thanks to you :o)
Hi Sara,
Jemma told me about you’re blog so after listening to you last night…..I’d love to hear (read) more, I’m intrigued…do you mind?
It was a great night, haven’t had that much fun for a while or laughed as much……. I know….I should get out more !!!! Hope we all get to do it again soon.
Can other people read this?!! Hope not…….
Hope the kids were Ok when you got home…… and Bonnie !!
……. a house doesn’t make a home..
A house no matter how big or small, grand or modest, old or new does not make a home. When it’s not a home it’s an empty shell, it can be knocked down…… it can be rebuilt, it can signify a new beginning…..but it’s not a home..
A home has a heart, it cannot be knocked down, it can be taken anywhere, it can fill any house no matter how big or small, grand or modest, old or new…. a home is full of warmth, laughter and happiness, it feels safe and secure, peaceful and harmonious. It’s supported by family and friends not walls, it’s sheltered with love and compassion not a roof….
It’s full of life, energy, fun and creativity…………………….even the creative mess made by a little fat dusty puppy!!!! That’s a home…………………. :)
Thank you for your beautiful words. I have recently learned ;) that you are so very right. What I thought might be a home for me was only an empty shell, and it was knocked down. It fell away before my eyes, and I’m glad that I know now that I have the choice of building a home or of building a house… and I’ll be building a home this time :) Bring a hammer!